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πŸ‘‹ Welcome to Productroad

SimplifiedUX team

We created this post to help you start using Productroad πŸ™Œ.

Productroad helps you collect πŸ’¬ feedback from users and teammates of SIMPLIFIEDUX LLC, prioritize users requests and πŸ“’ inform people about updates of their requests and company updates.


πŸ“ Posts and Boards

All feedback from users is collected as posts. Posts are creating on Boards.
We created two boards on your account:

Feature Requests
Bugs & Issues

You can modify this boards or create as many new boards as you want on πŸ“ boards settings page.


πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Roadmaps

Roadmaps are spaces where you can see posts by their status.
We created one roadmap for your company and put in on homepage.
Roadmaps are also configurable: you can modify columns (each colums shows post of particular πŸ“status), set permissions, hide roadmap from homepage or even filter posts for roadmap by Boards or Tags.
All these things are available on πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» roadmaps settings page.


πŸ“’ Changelog

Changelog is the best way to keep your users in the loop.
Have an announcement? Released new features? Fixed some bugs?
Publish that in πŸ“’ Changelog.


πŸš€ Next steps

We covered only basic features in this post, here is some things that you probably would like to do to improve your and your users experience on Productroad:

- Upload a Logo and fill πŸš€ Company Info;
- Invite your πŸ™Œ Team;
- Connect πŸ”— Custom Domains for Feedback and Changelog;
- Make the best product πŸ’ͺ and have fun πŸ˜€

We are always happy to help

SimplifiedUX team
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